When I went walking….

When I went walking in the woods, a badger took my hand. He led me down the furthest path and there we found a band. The hedgehog played the mandolin, the rabbit played trombone. The Fox he played the tambourine and the weasel the saxophone. The forest animals...

What does outdoor play do?

I’ve been sorting through my photos and trying to clear some space on my phone and I came across this little gem! A lovely little reminder what Outdoor play can offer children in terms of opportunities for learning and development! Note also that it is entitled...

Common lawn flowers

So, many people ask us why we often let chunks of grass grow around here!! Well apart from the sheer scale of the mowing here…. here are two pictorial reasons! We are starting to see small areas of real biodiversity appearing in between the mown bit!! One day we...

Nature Journaling

A way of anyone developing a deeper connection to nature. Henry David Thoreau wrote, “It is the marriage of the soul with nature that makes the intellect fruitful, and gives birth to imagination.” A process allowing people to put their observations of nature,...